Growing Affordable Housing
AHA is the largest developer of nonprofit owned affordable housing in York County. In addition to its own development and property management activities, AHA works with other community-based organizations and private developers to assist them with development and neighborhood redevelopment programs. AHA is a leading advocate for the development of affordable housing and the redevelopment of deteriorated neighborhoods.
Below is information on recent and current projects we have completed and/or are currently undertaking. Sale proceeds of our For-Sale Housing go toward the preservation of existing or development of new affordable housing.
219, 221, 225, and 227 Baltimore Street, Hanover (For-Sale Housing)
In 2017, AHA acquired a property from Hanover Borough following the demolition of a blighted structure. The three-unit building attached to the structure was also acquired and demolished. Plans to subdivide the parcels so four homes could be constructed were approved by the Borough. Construction of the four homes was completed in September 2018, with all homes being sold by July 2019.

320 W Princess Street, York (For-Sale Housing)
AHA entered into an agreement with the City of York Redevelopment Authority to acquire and rehabilitate the home in York. The home was the only blighted property in the block. Its redevelopment increases property values in this up-and-coming neighborhood. The home was completed in December 2019 and sold in June 2020.

Sparrow’s Way, Dover Township (Rental to Homeownership)
We teamed up with Monarch Development Corporation to develop 23 family townhomes in Dover Township. The plan is for each home to include a garage and basement. In addition to the two- and three-bedroom townhomes, the site will include an office, community space, a play area, and off-street parking. Construction is slated to be completed November 2021. The partnership intends to rent the homes for 15 years, after which the homes would be available for homeownership.

354 Main Street, Wellsville (For-Sale Housing)
We recently purchased a vacant parcel of land on Main Street in Wellsville Borough. We are hoping to have a new three-bedroom home built on the site by Summer 2021. This home will be sold to a low-moderate income household.

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Donations of money, technology, supplies and time are always greatly appreciated. Your donations are eligible for tax deductions and can be directed to an initiative important to you.